Fall Season Prep: How to Prepare Your HVAC System

Fall is just around the corner, and it is the ideal time to prepare the heating system for the upcoming cold weather. Stay ahead of time and ensure proper HVAC maintenance before the cold season strikes to achieve optimum efficiency and performance throughout the fall and winter.

Here are a few things homeowners can do to get their systems ready for the fall:

Check the air filters

Clean air filters are critical to an efficiently running HVAC system. Dirty or clogged filters can:

  • Prevent the unit from heating the home

  • Cause the components to malfunction

  • Shorten the system lifespan

  • Worsen the indoor air quality

Checking the air filter, cleaning, or replacing it, is one of the best ways to prepare the heating system for the changing season. A new filter cuts the energy consumption and lowers the heating cost. Regularly inspect the filter throughout the cold months for optimal operation. 

Inspect the system for leaks

Leaks in the ductwork, doors and windows waste energy and prevent the HVAC system from working efficiently and keep the home comfortable. Inspect the house and the ducts for air leaks. Use weatherstripping or caulk to seal the doors and windows. Replace the weatherstripping if it is worn-out or damaged due to the summer heat. Call an HVAC technician to inspect the ductwork for leaks and ensure it is correctly sealed.

Outdoor unit cleaning

Outdoor HVAC units are susceptible to clogs and damage due to dirt and debris. Before fall, homeowners should check the outdoor unit and clear out all the leaves, twigs, grass clippings, and other debris around it to ensure proper airflow and prevent expensive damage to the condenser coils and other internal components. Ensure at least 2 feet clearance around the unit for smooth air circulation. A clean outdoor unit avoids premature wear and tear and improves system efficiency and performance. 

Check the alarms and smoke detectors

Safety devices (for example, carbon monoxide detectors and smoke alarms) protect the home and the family. Check these systems for proper working before the fall season. Replace your old batteries and upgrade the smoke detectors if they are over ten years old. Check the manufacture date mentioned on the back to know how old they are and when is the correct time to replace them.

Consider upgrading the old unit

According to several HVAC experts, fall is the best time to upgrade an outdated unit. Contractors are less busy during this time, which helps you get a better deal and makes it easier to replace the unit. Consider replacing the HVAC system if it is more than ten years old, requires frequent repairs, or fails to meet the heating and cooling needs of the home.

Schedule professional maintenance

The most effective way to prepare an HVAC system for the fall is to call a technician for a routine professional tune-up. The technicians thoroughly inspect the furnace and its components for leaks and other issues, clean them, check the wiring, and make the required adjustments. 

Regular system cleaning and upkeep:

  • Improves the air quality

  • Enhances comfort

  • Increases energy efficiency

  • Extends the system life

  • Avoids emergencies

  • Keeps the system running at its full potential

Contact a local heating and cooling expert for HVAC fall maintenance and stay warm and comfortable during the cold season.

Modern Air Conditioning & Heating is a Boulder City-based HVAC company offering 15 years of experience in residential and commercial HVAC services for all makes and models. You can also call us directly at (702) 919-4365.


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